
So Many Patient Docs, So Little Time

Stefanie Jansen |
December 4, 2019
Min Read

Every patient knows what’s coming the second they walk through the doctor’s office door: paperwork. They need to provide updates to medical history, copies of insurance, signing HIPAA agreements, and more.

It’s inevitable — each patient’s data must be regularly verified and updated because, as the healthcare provider, you are required by law to ensure it's safe handling.

What if you could save time and money, while ensuring that your patients’ information is always current and protected?  

Automated data collection tools are the solution to this time-consuming process for patients and staff. These tools can streamline your processes, increase efficiency, and cut out the need for paper. (So long, fax machine!)

Healthcare Document Automation Saves Time & Headaches

Here are just a few benefits healthcare providers are seeing as a result of healthcare document automation:

Increased Efficiency

Many organizations haven’t completely digitized and require paper forms somewhere along the patient experience. Digital healthcare documents (like new patient onboarding, patient records, and agreements) allow your staff to easily create, store, and maintain forms, eliminating the need for paper. This saves time and frees staff to focus more on providing high-quality care that your patients are looking for.

Streamlined Process

Save time and forget the hassle of passing paper forms or new versions of the same Word Document by quickly generating new patient forms and other important documents. Plus, you can give tech-savvy patients the ability to complete medical forms online, at home, or on their phone before coming into the office. Or, use automated data collection to allow patients to complete forms when they arrive via an iPad or tablet. No more waiting to see the doctor until forms are complete.

Centralized Data

The best document automation tools have the ability to integrate with your patient management system, so you can easily store multiple types of data in a single place, including insurance information, policies, HIPAA forms, lab results, medical notes, and more. Gone are the days of file folders bursting with [outdated] documents. You can simply select the patient’s name and have all their information available at the click of a button.

Trusted Security

When a patient trusts you with their most personal information, they expect that you’ll keep it secure. Look for a digital documentation solution that provides the highest level of security for patient data through SSL, firewall, 24/7 monitoring, data encryption, and (of course) HIPAA compliance. Generating HIPAA-compliant data is determined by how your healthcare team creates and populates patient documents. Choose a provider that can safely store, transfer, and manage that data without breaking trust.

Cost Savings

Hospital administration costs in the US now exceed $1.1 trillion—and time spent manually managing paper documents is money down the drain. With a healthcare document automation system, you don’t need as many staff members to log or retrieve paper records. All your patients’ information is easily and securely accessible online. Additionally, electronic record keeping requires less paper, fewer printers, ink cartridges, and fax machines. It’s a win for your organization (and the environment).

Improve Your Back Office Health

Efficiency is key to staying current in this fast-paced, tech-savvy world. Because of its highly-regulated nature, the healthcare industry is known for moving at a slower pace than its counterparts. But healthcare document automation is an easy way to get up-to-speed in a way your patients will appreciate.

Formstack Documents helps provide this and more, freeing your staff to focus on giving your patients the healthcare experience they expect. Plus, we are fully HIPAA-compliant, making it easy to automate how your healthcare team creates and populates patient documents. All of your patients’ data is easily saved in a secure database or integrated directly with your existing patient management system. What could you stand to gain?

 Check out the video below to learn more about leveling up your document generation process with Formstack Documents.


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Stefanie Jansen |
Stefanie is a marketing writer with specialties in blogging, website writing, and copy editing. She has worked with a number of tech companies and has experience in the areas of email, marketing campaigns, and employee engagement. Connect with Stefanie at
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